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Rural Innovation Develop Solution

Today, the Internet wave is sweeping through every corner of our lives, but there are still more than 3 billion people in the world who are not connected. In the remote areas of many countries, due to the harsh natural environment, the basic network construction is difficult and the network coverage is almost zero, which has led to the local people not being able to understand the world clearly so far.

Indonesia is an island country in Southeast Asia, with a total of 17,508 islands in the country. Due to abundant rainfall all year round and inconvenient traffic, except for some islands with dense population, most remote villages are without network coverage. FiberHome actively responds to the call of Indonesian government and opens the construction of village network coverage projects involving more than 80 counties and cities in more than 20 provinces with innovative rural network solutions.

We will eventually bring network coverage to more than 2,000 villages in Indonesia, bringing more changes to local people. FiberHome is looking forward to bringing digital technology to more countries, lighting up every solitary island of information and making the world a better place.

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