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5G + Smart Mine Solutions

On the basis of in-depth investigation of coal mine requirements, relying on its leading advantages in 5G technology and products, and combined with typical application scenarios of smart mine construction, FiberHome has launched the competitive 5G + Smart Mine Solutions to contribute itself to smart mine construction.

The overall solutions consist of terminal perception layer, network transport layer and application layer. The terminal perception layer is a fully perceptive big connection integrating "people, machine and environment"; The network transport layer integrates "5G + 4G + WiFi+SPN+F5G in one network" to realize efficient and reliable transmission, and the application layer realizes full-service integration, efficient and intelligent application oriented to mine safety, production and operation.

Solution Features

  • SA architecture networking truly meets the requirements of the Safety Standard Center for coal mine enterprises' independent 5G networking, and the network is safe, independent and stable;

  • Independent deployment of 5G core network, which ensures the safety of mine data, supports connection with operator public network, and realizes the "one card and one account number" system for both private network and operator network;

  • Supporting BBU downhole and surface deployment modes, which can be flexibly selected to reduce the complexity of downhole equipment deployment;

  • Integration of multiple systems, such as 5G, 4G, WiFi and wired scheduling, and integrated scheduling to meet the urgent needs of the mine for converged communication;

  • Supporting VoNR HD calls, concurrent voice, video and data services, and rich network functions;

  • Supporting 3U1D frame structure to enhance uplink rate and meet the needs of large uplink services of the mine.

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